The I.F.E.D.A. Fire Logbook 2009
Rewritten, Updated and Expanded
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 requires that a FIRE LOG BOOK to be kept at all business premises.
It is recommended that you bring this to your customers’ attention when carrying out a service visit.
If you supply logbooks not only are you able to generate additional income, you are also providing a valuable service to your clients.
The 34 page IFEDA log book is available to members @ just £3.50 + vat each (non-member version £8.00 + vat).
Also available to members is the comprehensive CD-Rom based log book with extra sections. This enables you delete sections which are not appropriate for a particular customer, copy extra tables as well as add your own logo and details, all for a one-off fee of £95.00 + vat
Sections included are:-
Visits by Fire Prevention Officer
The Fire Risk Assessment
Staff Training
Fire Alarm System,
Emergency Lighting,
Fire Extinguishers,
Fire Doors,
Electro-Magnetic Door Holders,
Internal & External Escape Routes,
Fire Hose Reels,
Other Fire Equipment,
N.B red text denotes ‘section included on cd-rom but not in the printed manual’